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5 results found in Jersey for german
Jersey War Tunnels - German Underground Hospital St. Lawrence
La Tour de Vinde / Noirmont Point Lighthouse St. Brelade


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Logical Translation & Localisation was founded by a local Jersey born entrepreneur. Since 2001, we have grown from our founder working in four languages, to a global translation organisation. With a catalogue of more than 200 languages...
20 St Clement Gardens, St. Helier, Jersey, JE2 6QJ
St Aubin's Fort St. Brelade
Maritime Museum New North Quay, St. Helier
St. Helier, Jersey, JE2 3NU


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During the Occupation, Jersey suffered from severe food shortages and Islanders had to adapt in many ingenious ways to...
To make an emergency call for Fire, Police, Ambulance or Lifeboat DIAL 112 or 999 
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