Monday - Friday | 9a.m. - 7:30p.m. |
Saturday | 9a.m. - 6p.m. |
Full of energy, pain free, happy healthy, in control of your life... At The Wellness Centre (Castle Quay) we offer a range of services to help you achieve your health goals and be your best.
What is True Wellness..?
Most of us have heard the word ‘Wellness’ used in different contexts in recent years, but what does it actually mean…? Is it an emotion or a feeling…? Is it a place…? Is it something that can be found or achieved…?
The truth is that wellness means different things to different people. Medically it is defined as: health & freedom from disease. But surely wellness can’t simply just be the absence of disease…
Complementary Medicine defines it as: a healthy balance of the mind, body and spirit that results in an overall feeling of well-being.
Our Wellness Philosophy
In a nutshell Wellness is really about trying to achieve and maintain balance in one’s life. It is however important to realise that very few of us (if any) ever live a purely linear existence. Most of us live rather more dynamic and variable lives due to the fact that life by it’s very nature is changeable and unpredictable. As such our lives can from time to time be thrown off course, and/or out of balance. Often a ‘catalyst moment’ or situation outside of our control may unfold in our lives, which can act to pull us off course and into a state of disease. For some it may be physical e.g. (physical trauma, disease, etc.). For others it may be emotional e.g. (abuse, anxiety, depression, divorce, etc.), and for others still it may be spiritual e.g. (bereavement, losing faith, etc.). Often stress (mental, social, chemical, etc.) accounts for much of this imbalance.Whatever the cause, the end result is often the same…
We become imbalanced and ultimately ‘ill health’ is allowed to slowly creep into our lives.
Offering You The Right Tools
Let’s face it, none of us are born with a tool box and a manual of how to get through life unscathed. Recognising this fact we were determined to try and help. As such in recent years our centre has evolved and grown rapidly to become a ‘Wellness Centre’ of excellence. Our growing team of handpicked health professionals now offers a multitude of therapies and services to help you achieve your health and well-being goals… We don’t pretend to have all the answers, just the right people with the right tools to help you bring balance back to your life (whatever that may be).